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10 Books Every Freelancer Must Read – The Ultimate Guide for Freelancers

The Importance of Reading for Freelancers

As a freelance writer, Freelancer Must Read,  as it is important to read as much as possible. It helps you improve your writing skills and also keeps you up to date on the industry. When you are just starting out, reading is a great way to learn how other writers write and what they do.

New writers often get stuck at the beginning of their journey. To avoid this, reading is a great way to learn how other writers write and what they do. Reading gives you valuable insight into the craft that can help you develop your own writing style, guide your writing in a way that will resonate with readers, and improve your content as well.

10 Books Every Freelancer Must Read Before They Work on a New Project

Freelancers are always looking for new resources to learn from. They can use these books to inspire them and help them grow in their careers.

Books that every freelancer must read before they work on a new project:

1) The War of Art – Steven Pressfield:

In his book “The War of Art”, Steven Pressfield discusses the psychological barriers that prevent people from accomplishing their goals. When you’re trying to write something, it can be very difficult to start and continue for long periods of time, which is why many people turn to writing assistants.

2) The E-Myth Revisited – Michael Gerber:

The E-Myth Revisited discusses the skills required of a business owner and what it takes to grow a business. The book is full of great insights that can help you find success in your own business.

3) The 4-Hour Workweek – Tim Ferriss:

In this book, Tim Ferriss and his partner Pamela talks about how to build a passive income stream from home. They share their experiences of travelling the world and being location independent.

4) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey:

Stephen Covey is a businessman, author and speaker who has written many best-selling books. His most famous work is “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. In his book, Covey teaches that the key to personal success is to practice the four principles of mental habits: “begin with the end in mind”, “seek first to understand, then to be understood”, “synergize”

5) Think Big, Act Small – Seth Godin:

In this TED Talk, Seth Godin breaks down how to think big but act small. He explains that by thinking about the world in a bigger way and acting on those ideas in smaller ways, you can make a bigger impact.

6) How To Win Friends And Influence People – Dale Carnegie :

In this book Dale Carnegie explains that it’s not what you say, but how you say it that matters. One of the author’s best-selling books, it has been translated into over 100 languages and is often considered to be a modern classic.

7) Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality – John Cleese:

John Cleese is a British comedic actor, director, and screenwriter. He is best known for his work on Monty Python’s Flying Circus, which achieved critical success and elevated British comedy to new heights.

8) Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity:

We tend to think of stress as a harsh, unpleasant emotion that invades our life and depletes our energy. But stress is actually a natural reaction to anything that challenges us. We can learn to be more productive and reduce the level of stress in our lives by following these simple steps.

9) The Freelancer’s Bible:

This book is a guide for freelancers of all experience levels. It is filled with tips and tricks for everything from finding work to growing as a professional. The book starts with the basics like what are different types of freelancing and how to manage money & time. It then moves into the practical side of things, covering topics such as choosing your clients, pricing & negotiating, finding work, and more.

10) How to Win Friends & Influence People:

This book is a timeless classic of self-improvement that teaches principles on how to make friends and influence people. This book was originally published in 1922 by Dale Carnegie, and has since been translated into over 30 languages.


Freelance writing is a booming job market, and there are a lot of people who are looking to break into the field. However, it can be difficult to find a decent resource that can help you figure out how to get started freelance writing. We’ve compiled this list of 10 books any freelancer should read.

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